S. Chhetri India |
5 (1.67)
3 matches |
H. Mohamed Maldivas |
2 (1.00)
2 matches |
Khalil Bader Líbano |
2 (1.00)
2 matches |
Minutes per goal
Minutes per goal
H. Maatouk Líbano |
48' (1)
2 matches |
S. Chhetri India |
52' (5)
3 matches |
S. Morsalin Bangladesh |
60' (1)
2 matches |
Goals from the penalty spot
Goals from the penalty spot
S. Chhetri India |
2 (100%)
3 matches |
M. Abdullah Kuwait |
1 (100%)
1 match |
H. Mohamed Maldivas |
1 (100%)
2 matches |
Penalties missed
Penalties missed
C. Gyeltshen Bután |
1 (100%)
2 matches |
Best goalkeeper
Best goalkeeper
A. Singh India |
1 (0.50)
2 matches |
Abd Al Rahman Kameel Kuwait |
2 (1.00)
2 matches |
H. Shareef Maldivas |
3 (1.50)
2 matches |
Yellow cards
Yellow cards
A. Sisi Líbano |
2 (1.00)
2 matches |
S. Jhingan India |
2 (1.00)
2 matches |
Mohamed Irufaan Maldivas |
2 (1.00)
2 matches |
Red cards
Red cards
R. Ali India |
1 (0.50)
2 matches |
H. Al Qallaf Kuwait |
1 (0.50)
2 matches |
H. Ahmed Maldivas |
1 (1.00)
1 match |
Zain Faran Líbano |
1 (1.00)
1 match |
K. Darwiche Líbano |
1 (1.00)
1 match |
M. Abdullah Kuwait |
1 (1.00)
1 match |
Matches played
Matches played
Kiran Chemjong Nepal |
3 (100%)
3 matches |
E. Suliman Pakistán |
3 (100%)
3 matches |
Abdullah Iqbal Pakistán |
3 (100%)
3 matches |